A few months ago, you may remember I bought some Danskin leggings as part of my first Ebates experiment. I had worn out my first pair (from Target costing $10) and I wanted something more durable. I bought a brown and black pair… and was floored to realize that I spent $50 on leggings. Yikes. 

Since I’ve got them, I’ve worn them at least once a week. And guess what? They’re still holding up! And I’ve found that my $50 investment has helped maximize my wardrobe. Here’s why I love my Danskin leggings:

  • Danskinleggings In the winter, I wear them with skirts and dressses and tucked them into boots for a warmer, more comfortable experience than tights.
  • Speaking of winter, I could wear them under my ski clothes as a cheaper alternative to my silk long underwear.
  • In summer, I wear them with skirts or dresses with ballet flats.
  • On the weekends, I wear my leggings with a longer shirt or tunic. Comfier than jeans, and great for traveling!
  • Adding a long top and some great pumps, I am good to go out.
  • They take almost no room in a weekend bag.
  • If I’ve gained a little weight, I know I have at least some nice clothes I can wear anyway.
  • A light spin in the dryer after they’ve air dried helps keep their elasticity.
  • I can wear them to work out. Cheaper than yoga pants!
  • Unlike the cheap pair I had before, I don’t have to worry about them falling down from a stretched-out elastic. Always a bonus!

In short, while I felt ridiculous spending $25 on a small part of stretch fabric, I understand the importance of buying quality. Leggings are a “foundation garmet” on which aspects of my wardrobe are now based. I may buy a couple more pairs at the end of the summer for fall and winter wear, though my current pairs show no signs of wearing out.

So if you’re going to buy leggings, try Danskin. They are really worth the price, and will extend your wardrobe greatly!

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