This series on fashion is inspired by a few great fashion related posts and bloggers I've been reading lately as well as a really positive response I got from a comment I left on another blog. A young woman was asking what she should get for a work wardrobe without spending a fortune. I gave this some thought and then commented on the ten pieces I'd recommend she get. I got an email back, complimenting my complete list and saying it would serve as a shopping list.

Over the next two weeks I'll be doing a post on each article of clothing as well as photographing some of my outfits. Enjoy!

Cocktailwrapdress Busicasualwrapdress I bought this wrap dress in a thrift store two years ago. Jones of New York and in great condition, it was clearly a find for $8.


Paired with a pair of vintage gold shoes, a bag, and gold bracelet (the two accessories having belonged to my grandmother and great grandmother), this dress can be pretty slinky. Hair up adds to the drama of the outfit.

Business Casual

For a more work appropriate look, a camisole makes this dress more conservative and less, um, body-centric. Dark tights or leggings and heels also keep it low key and in this case, the bold necklace is the statement piece.

Funkywrapdress Funky

Ok, so not everyone wants to try to pull off plaid tights but I'll try anything once! My pin-striped blazer makes another appearance as the casual topper and big girl shoes are back. Even Sadie is impressed!

Tips for picking a wrap dress: A wrap dress is a pretty flattering one but any poly blend dress you feel good in will work. A blend material will stay wrinkle free longer and hold its shape. A solid dress means you get to play with pattern in accessories. At or below the knee is best for work situations, you can always make up for a plunging neckline with a camisole (I got this one for $3 at Goodwill). Sleeves (even short ones) are a good idea for most climates and occasions. Look for a good brand because it'll be generously cut, have thicker material, and have interesting details like this unique neckline. I would have paid $100 for this dress and been equally as excited about it.

Poly-blend wrap dress, Jones New York, $8 (thrift)

Check out the other posts in this series:
Top Ten Female Wardrobe Staples: The Cotton Sweater
Top Ten Female Wardrobe Staples: The Crisp White Shirt
Top Ten Femlae Wardrobe Staples: The Graphic T-Shirt
Top Ten Female Wardrobe Stapes: The Pencil Skirt

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