Until now, I have had no time to photograph the harvest of my plantings. Here it is:


That's right, a solitary tomato. And not even a big one.

Fortunately, I have friends S and S who are much better at growing things then I ever will be. They gave me a big bag of vegetables two weeks ago and I've been eating them ever since. "We have too much!" they said, which got me to thinking, what are some things I could to with too many vegetables?

1. Donate to a food pantry. (Call ahead though to make sure your local food bank/pantry accepts produce though!)

2. Can. S and S of course are also master canners but they say novice canners should stay safe and can foods with high acidity. You don't want to accidentally poision yourself or people you feed your canned deliciousness too.

3. Freeze. There's a lot you can freeze, just check out that section of your supermarket. Recommended method: double bag, and then push all the air out.

4. Bake. Zucchini and eggplant make a fun lasagna. And of course anything with cheese in an oven is awesome.

5. Give away. Hungry friends or casual neighbors appreciate food gifts, especially healthy ones.

6. Take a tray of grilled vegetables to your next party. Seasonal, yes. Delicious, of course. Bonus: you can "accidentally" leave the leftovers with the hosts.

7. Juice or shake. V8 has proved you can make vegetables in juice not taste terrible. You can too but you'll need fruit to mask the vegetable-ness.

8. Barter. I would trade a home cooked meal for some yummy vegetables. I'm sure other people in your life feel the same. Trade extra food for chores and everyone is happy.

So whether you went crazy on the sale squash at the grocery store or you can actually grow lots of things without killing them, you've got options!

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