How Weight Loss Has Saved Me Money

I have previously asked the question “Will losing weight also save me money in addition to making me hotter and healthier?” I think my now eight pounds slimmer self has found the answer.

It seems like a coincidence that my grocery bill is lower this month than it has been in about five months (or since I moved here). What I have noticed though are fewer trips to the convenience store during work hours. My trip to my local country store in walking distance of work gave me crappy coffee and close-to-expiring snacks, though somehow it seemed like I almost needed it. To cut down on these trips, my coffee/snack budget was set at $10 a month in November but crept up to $20 in December.

This past month, I didn’t even spend $10 at my local store. I go there maybe once a week for a diet soda. I didn’t even miss it, let alone need it.

In addition to saving money on convenience foods, I also seem to have more energy. I’ve been able to blog more, be productive at work, and get to the gym three times a week. During a 12 hour workday last week (I’m back to teaching adult ed for a once a week, three hour long class), I was spunky without coffee, able to make it the whole day without getting grumpy.

Besides the savings, there have been no additional costs incurred for the weight loss. I’m not on any particular plan or group support. My only cost (which I was already for anyway) is a gym membership. My monthly fee is $35 and since the gym charges $7 an individual visit, I am more than getting my money’s worth by going three times a week.

My goal is 25 pounds but I know that is because I want to see a certain number on the scale again. It doesn’t matter so much to me now. This will be an ongoing project which I will keep you posted on. Just know that preliminary findings so far: a healthier weight will save you money.

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