People Are Going To New Lengths To Save Cash On Food- Are You?

So whether it’s the fact that every major news media is talking about the price of food going up (whether it’s pizza or groceries in general) or just the fact that I’ve plateaued on my journey towards weight loss, I’ve had food on the brain lately. Apparently, I am not alone.

More_rice_saladThe Simple Dollar has posted an "Ode To The Inexpensive Bean", which is clearly a powerfood in a lot of ways. Heck, you can even make brownies with them.

Costco CEO James Sinegal gave some compelling answers about why he doesn’t just raise the price of ketchup and why he pays his workers an average of $18.15/hour. (from SmartMoney)

And now the part where we finally get to the extreme grocery shopping part. (And no, it’s not a sport like extreme ironing but thank you for allowing me the occasion to mention extreme ironing.) Extreme grocery shopping is beyond my Grocery Game experiment. It is severely cutting back on any sort of grocery budget, almost to an art form. Give Me Back My Five Bucks does a great job of spending little on food for example. 

Sense to Save had a great video she posted this week, especially entertaining to me since I don’t have television. See the Ultimate Cheapskate (only food less than $1/pound) and Coupon Mom (self explanatory) battle it out here (originally on the Today Show).

Even The New York Times tackled dollar stores as grocery stores this week.

Then, of course, there is talk of buying groceries in bulk at warehouse stores or online which a woman in my adult ed class told me about. (I have an experiment I’ve set up testing which options are cheaper for a later post, which is taking some time to craft due to the amount of data gathering required.)

In other words, we’re all paying too much for food. It’s best to eat less and be careful how you do spend your money, good advice in any economy I suppose. While The Glittering Eye finds it difficult but doable to live on $1 a meal, I’m wondering how other people (like you) are dealing with rising food prices. Do share!

Image: Rice salad, made with avocado, corn, tomato, and white rice in a vinagrette was a staple in my old dinner club, and great with crepes (and fairly economical).   

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