In Maine, we often hear things like "predicting 10-15 inches of snow" or "wind gusts up to 60 mph" and in general, we shrug it off. It is often not as bad as predicted and other then having to clean snow off the car and shovel a bit, we're fine.
I woke up this morning and saw a downed line (either power or phone) in my driveway and about six inches of snow. Hmph. Then I checked my email and see every school district in a 50 mile radius is closed. Crud.
I began sending out text messages (part of my newspaper job is maintaining our emergency texting service) and made some coffee that I forgot to drink. Meanwhile school-working friends on Facebook posted about how happy they were for a snow day, and I tried not to be bitter.
It was proven once again: never underestimate the collective power of little kids (and probably their teachers) praying for an extra day of vacation. I myself once caused a fluke snowstorm because I hadn't finished my book report book and prayed really really hard for some divine intervention, and it worked. Well, at least that's how it worked in my head.
So maybe you are snowbound somewhere or just bored. Here are some links to keep you entertained:
Mel at What Mimi Read blogged about NonSociety, a blog which a few pretty girls are lifecasting. The best thing about the post is the photo contrast between the NonSociety girl (blogging in perfect lighting with a cute little dress on) and Mel. Not to disappoint you all but I am not lying around being pretty and perfect while blogging… I mean, talk about carpal tunnel!
Mark Laflamme had an interesting post about welfare and the people who should and shouldn't be using it. It's interesting discussion and makes me wonder if there is a better system we could come up with.
Kristy at Master Your Card asks should you get a part-time job, as in is a part-time job better then no job at all. It's an interesting question philosphically but also she has a list of part-time jobs that are currently hiring right now.
And what would link suggestions be without something from the New York Times? Low tech fixes for technology. Works for me!
In other blogging news from me (in case you care about things I write other then personal finance), I wrote about parents visiting classrooms on Learning in Maine (and got just a little snarky) and on my French blog, I posted about reading cheezy authors like Danielle Steel in French and how fun it is to read things like cheezy romance novels. Talk about a vocab lesson!
Enjoy the weather, wherever you are!