Marketing Monday: Nike plus

Every Monday, we check out a cool new marketing technique used by an individual, business, or group. Want to be featured? Contact the BE Blog.
I’ve noticed my online friend Lynn Cyr (an artist among other things) has been posting her runs on Facebook via the Nike website. I clicked through to see the partnership with Nike and iPod that not only encourages people to work out but think about music at the same time. I asked Lynn a few questions about her running and how she uses her Nike+.
1. Do you have the special shoes with your Nike+ or do you just clip it on?

Lynn Cyr, artist/web developer/user of cool running technology

No, I don’t have the special shoes for it. They now sell clips that you can use, but when I started using my Nike+, there was no such thing. So I came across this blog post that showed how to attach it to any shoe… and that’s how I’ve done it since!
2. How long have you been using the Nike+? Do you feel this device has improved your workouts?
I got the device as a birthday gift (at my request!) from my husband in March 2008. I started using it the very next day! Before that, I never exercised… let alone RUN! As I went on my runs and saw some progress (faster pace, longer distances but same duration, etc…), it really got me hooked! I can honestly say without a doubt that this tiny device is what got me started as a Runner! I’ve used it fairly consistently ever since, except for breaks I would need to take because of injuries (bleh!!).
Not ONLY did it turn me into a Runner, but I even trained for my very first 1/2 Marathon that first year!! My friends in Quebec convinced me that I should train, even though I’d never run before (except for a 5K race I did like 15 years ago – and even *that* was a very short-lived period of running). I trained and trained, but didn’t end up racing, since I ended up with an injury (not related to running). But I did run my first 10K race in Boston, though!
3. What are your favorite workout songs to get you pumped to keep going?
I’m a Rock chick at heart, so I always go for the Hard Rock and Metal “screaming” songs. LOL!! Nothing whips your butt into shape like some metal rocker yelling in your ear! But I do mix it up a bit. I have a “Cardio Mix” playlist on my iPod, which is what I use to run. It includes Rock, Country, and even some Dance tunes. But still, my all-time favorite song that really gets me going is “Lose Yourself, by Eminem.
4. I see that you share your results on Facebook in addition to on the Nike site. Has this further motivated you? Do you think doing so has motivated others to get running?
Knowing others are “watching” me, so to speak, definitely helps. It doesn’t stop me from slacking off every once in a while, but seeing the comments and “Likes” after a run really make me feel good. It usually sets the tone for the rest of my day 🙂
As for motivating others, I can’t tell you how many times I get asked “So hey, what’s that Nike+ thing I keep seeing on your Wall”? After I tell them all about it, they’re all gung-ho and get one for themselves. I know at least 3 people for sure that bought one because of my direct recommendation!
5. Have you met other people from sharing the results on Nike’s website? (I’m always interested in how interactions in a specific arena like this translate into other interactions, online or in real life).
This, to me, is the best part of the Nike+ system!! It’s allowed me to meet so many folks online who share my passion for running!! A few of them have become Facebook friends too now… and in fact, I’m meeting one of my “Nike+ friends” in person NEXT WEEK for the first time!! I’m headed to Toronto to visit my family, and we’ll be getting together for lunch since she lives there too! We’re both really excited!

Too Cute Tuesday: Naan Bread

Every Tuesday, it’s friends, a craft, and a cocktail. To learn more, see all the posts together at or check out the Too Cute Tuesday Facebook page.

All this month, we’re making all those food items we’ve always wanted to try. My friend Morgan sent me this link way back about how to make Naan bread via Videojug. Only 10 minutes to rise and 10 minutes to bake with 10ish minutes prep? Sounds easy to me. And with mint to use up in my fridge, it’s mojito time! (I mean, come on, what else are you supposed to do with mint?!)

Sue rolls out the naan- easy!


1 tsp. yeast
1 tsp. demarara sugar
1 tbsp. warm water

7 oz. flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 tbsp. natural yogurt
2 tbsp. milk

If you want to hear an authoritative-sounding British woman give you the instructions, watch the video below. Otherwise my overly simplified instructions

1. Mix ingredients in group one together. Put aside in oven (not warm- just warmer than your kitchen) for 5 minutes.

2. Mix group two ingredients together and put aside. Add group 1 (now frothy mixture) and stir. Knead for five minutes, cover with wet towel and stick in the oven (not warm).

3. Make mojitos. Debrief with TCT friends about firefighting training and dog behavior while bread rises.

4. Take out dough and cut into four sections. Roll out but not too thin.

5. Spread vegetable oil on cookie sheet and add dough. Preheat oven for 275 degrees F and cook naan for 10-15 minutes. Serve warm, in our case, with chicken marsala (also in Videojug series).

6. Eat Indian food with a chocolate chaser. Aren’t you crafty, and now full of tasty food!

Indian: How To Make Naan Bread

Marketing Monday: Maine Grind

Every Monday, we discuss a cool marketing idea happening online and off. If you have an idea, contact the BE Blog. You’ll get the credit, promise.

Note: The Maine Grind is a client of Breaking Even Communications.

The Maine Grind is a coffee shop in Ellsworth Maine that markets itself as ‘Ellsworth’s living room’. They are in a three story historic building (yes, I include the basement) on Main Street with lots of different kinds of spaces. They host a monthly poetry meeting, dance classes, workshops, craft sales, dances, parties, and all kinds of other events in the community. For the Grind, it can be a challenge to decide which events to publicize and how to publicize them to the right people when they have limited bulletin boards, newspaper space, and radio ad time.

Too Cute Tuesday: Lettuce Wraps

Every Tuesday, it’s a craft, a cocktail, and friends. To see all the posts, check out or check us out on Facebook.

A few of our members have requested different food items so the month of May is dedicated to food. Dorrie requested we attempt lettuce wraps à la P.F. Chang a few weeks ago so we’re starting with that. And if you have requests, let us know!

Izzy shows off her mad knife skills. At Too Cute Tuesday, we encourage playing with sharp objects.

Recipe modified from Recipezaar


3 tablespoons oil
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts

1 cup water chestnuts
2/3 cup mushroom
3 tablespoons green onions
1 teaspoon minced garlic

Marketing Monday: Mountain Dew

Every Monday, the BE Blog posts about some fun marketing idea, online and off. If you have an idea, let me know. You might be featured!

I’m always impressed when a large company can get a lot of people to vote on something. Voter turnout at elections is so small yet Cottonelle can get thousands of people to vote in the ‘over versus under’ toilet paper debate. Really?!

In any case, over the weekend after spending a lot of hours in a car with Chef Dan, I found out that Mountain Dew is having a vote about a new flavor. Dan’s chosen flavor didn’t win a few years ago and this year, he was going to try them all so he could make an informed decision. His boss is doing the same.

The convenience stores we stopped at were selling Mountain Dew 2 bottles for $2. Lowering the price is certainly a good idea to get people to try new things.

Need marketing help?