Too Cute Tuesday: 2009 In Review
Too Cute Tuesday is a weekly event on the Breaking Even blog that involves, friends, crafting, and cocktailing. Every week it’s a different and inexpensive craft to make and a different cocktail to keep things social. If you have an idea for a craft or otherwise want to participate, contact Nicole.
It’s been another exciting year of crafting and cocktailing every Tuesday night at Craft Central.
Too Cute Tuesday began in 2007 when Nicole was bored one night and said ‘Pfft! I can make that!’ Mostly a solo effort, Nicole moved to Bar Harbor at the end of 2008 and told Dorrie about TCT over a pint at O’Learys. Dorrie was sold. ‘We can do it at my house!’ And often, we do.
The first part of TCT 2009 was with Nicole and Dorrie. Slowly the crafting circle grew as Sarah moved in with Dorrie. Sam started coming. Then Sarah brought Sue in, and then Christie. Now people bring friends, visitors, and even their moms. Making Too Cute Tuesday a weekly event people looked forward to was by far the coolest part of 2009.
Four Great Ways Ways I Saved And Wasted Money In 2009
Daniel Scocco, author of Daily Blog Tips, is running a group writing project on his blog called 2009 in Review. I thought it was a fun idea so here are my best and worst ways I saved money in 2009.
Here are some of the best lessons I learned in saving money over the past year:
Asking for something if I need or want it.
When I moved into my house, I couldn’t help but notice my neighbors left a cool looking bookcase outside in the rain.
Maybe they were putting it outside while they moved furniture around or were giving it to someone else. Really though, I didn’t ask at first because I was worried I’d look like some cheap vulture.
I hopped onto the Ikea website to look at pricing some options. The cost was $69 for a Billy Bookcase… and $250 to ship it. Even my cheap local options still involved similar costs and the hassle of transport and assembly. Was my pride really going to get in the way of saving $100 or more?