Why Buzzfeed Has Us All Addicted

A semi-alarming predicament: whenever I get on the internet, even if the goal is to pay a bill or respond to an e-mail, I enter some wormhole and realize I’ve just been perusing Buzzfeed for the past twenty minutes. Every. Time. How does this happen? Buzzfeed is...

Why You Don’t Need A Web Designer

I love these questions that come the moment you aren’t expecting them. “Isn’t designing a website easy?” a new friend asked me. “You know, with tools like Squarespace, Wix, etc, do people still need web designers?” I gave kind of a...

When Your Post Goes Viral

One of my colleagues is Jim LeClair, who runs the Maine Coast Welcome Center. He’s a mapping specialist who gets businesses listed in GPS units, etc. I got a call from him last week, asking if I’d mind looking at his Facebook stats. Because they seemed...

Marketing Monday: QR Codes

First of all, I was MIA last week because I was sick in a way I still can’t quite believe. After sleeping 14 hours a day and being supermedicated the rest of the time, I’m finally feeling better. In other words, the blog is back on! Thanks for those of you...

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