Too Cute Tuesday: Bubble Earrings

My mother and I coined our infamous "Pff! I can make that!" expression when we saw these earrings. We had seen them together then I had went back to college. A few weeks later, in with the care package my mom had sent little magnets with cute...

Too Cute Tuesday: The No-Knit Scarf

I always get ambitious about knitting but don't often finish my projects. The problem is that I'm not a good enough knitter to have consistent stitches but not a bad enough knitter to not attempt, which results in mediocre projects I never get...

Too Cute Tuesday: No-Sew Handbags

This may be the best Too Cute Tuesday project ever. It may even surpass the duct tape wallet in awesomeness. I involved my friend Dorrie again, asking her if she had any ideas for this week. She sent me a link to a Martha Stewart craft that involved making hand bags...

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