Money is boring. Tracking expenses, creating and maintaining a budget, and finding the best deal are time consuming and tedious, otherwise we’d all do it all the time, right? Money is pretty abstract. A plastic card in our wallets can be worth $10,000 while the car we bought two years ago is worth less than half what we paid for it. The value seems arbitrary. Money seems elusive to some people and in too much abundance to others. But money affects us all in profound ways. It is the way we see the world, who we interact, what we do and don’t do with our time. Whether we want to think it or not, economics drive our lives, determine our opportunities , decide our material comfort level and if our basic needs are met. And whether you own a business or not, it’s your responsibility to keep track of your own finances. It’s what seems to truly mark adulthood.

I am a young person and it just so happens that I don’t make a lot of money. Actually, I make a little less than $10 an hour. I’m trying to pay my living expenses, plan for my future, and have fun. I have three jobs. I have to be creative and resourceful daily to enjoy life and pay my bills. I think many other people are in this same position, too. Sometimes I look around and wonder how a lot of us are even making it. But we are. I don’t think this is a problem unique to young people. No matter how much money we make, I think we all know what it feels like to deal with what we feel is a shortfall.

I am not an economist but I like to read, write, research, and talk to people. I find economics facinating yet practical. I think it is important for everyone to know about personal finance and economics and how to make money work for them. Knowing more is empowering and can save a lot of time and effort. I’ve decided to collect and create this information from a Maine perspective. Think of this blog as how to make more money, spend less money, and enjoy the money you have through fun stories and actual research.

Now let’s bring home some bacon…

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