I write whatever I want about at the end of the week. Because I can.

Now that it’s finally sping in my corner of the world, I can advocate walking again.

I mean, we all know that it’s great exercise and doesn’t waste fossil fuels like driving, but these last few sunny days have made me think about the actual reason I enjoy walking: You notice funny things that you never notice when you are driving a car.

I could show any number of lovely photographs of some of Bar Harbor’s more famous landmarks at this point but instead here are some things I’ve driven by a million times but just noticed when I was out walking the other day.

What is this behind the Abbe Museum? An odd building indeed...

Just a few of a bunch of colorful birdhouses, attached to a fence, set far back from the road.

It makes me wonder what else I’ve missed, and makes me think of walks past, like my walk to school on Vinalhaven, my walk into town from my French apartment, or the nightly walk my dog and I used to go on around the block.


I passed by this sign everytime I walked from my Fort Kent apartment to my favorite New Bruswick coffee shop. Yup, your kid could get run over, and worse than that, lose one of their shoes.

Before I’ve moved away from anywhere these last few years, I’ve taken photos of not only the house/apartment I’ve lived in but also photos from a typical walk I’d go on, so I can remember. Because the things you discover that first time usually keep making you smile every time you see them, at least in my experience.

Have you noticed anything funny or just plain interesting on a walk recently?

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