Yesterday I left work early to go to the dentist. One of my teeth has been hurting for about a month but, like most people, I ignored it until it got uncomfortable.

A teeth cleaning ($100) and 2 x-rays ($20) later, I have a cavity, which will be filled ($85) about a month from now. The only way I could have avoided this is if I would floss everyday (and if you do that, please comment below. I’d like proof that one person on Earth does this).

I asked up front about how much everything would cost, something I’ve never done before until this past year. The hygenist answered all my questions and didn’t make me feel bad. Now, I know how much I need to save up to fix my little problem.

In a less positive interaction, I did this at the doctor’s office last month, too. My doctor wanted me to have a test done "just in case". When I asked how much it was, he estimated about $350. When I said no, he began to lecture me, "This is your health!" he kept saying. "That’s my salary for a week." I said. I left angry.

I went home and did a little research on my condition, and ended up talking to another doctor for a follow-up appointment a the women’s health clinic. I didn’t need the test. It was then I realized that it is my right to ask how much things cost, and if a doctor, dentist, or any other medical professional can’t give me a good reason why to do something, I will refuse to do it. I am perfectly willing to follow every whim, but only with good health insurance.

My teeth money will be obtained from the selling of some gift certificates from Christmas ($50) and returning a couple gifts I don’t need ($50). I also subscribed to a grocery coupon site so over the next month, if I save another $50 in groceries, I can use my $30 cushion for two months to pay the difference. I can probably cut back on expenses further I’m sure. But I’ll only do it for those health things that are really necessary, like things that make my mouth not hurt. Happy Friday!

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