What a lovely year it's been, 2008, but I must say, I'm happy to see a new year come. Here's a look back:

Champagneandcorndogs In Februrary (on the 17th actually), Breaking Even became a daily blog. A commitment yes but one I've never regretted.

In April, I turned 27, three days after my father would have turned 52. I celebrated both of our birthdays.

In May, I met my friend Mel at a small business conference. She's been so encouraging abut my writing and web projects that we eventually teamed up for our own, which is still in progress.

In June I launched Too Cute Tuesday, my midweek craft and cocktail. I realized that people liked series because then they knew what to expect at least once a week. Ah-ha! While the crafts tend to be a little girly, a couple of men have admitted to me they secretly enjoy TCT. Ah-ha again!

In July, I had a popular couple of posts: Lame Things That Your Friends Do That Cost You Money in Part I and Part II. I realize that I don't have to talk about just intellectual things or just personal things… I can do both! Cool!

In August, Sean had an emergency operation and I developed carpal tunnel. J Money at Kelly stepped up with guest posts to keep my blog going. To them, I'm ever grateful. It is at this time I realize that I have actual friends in the blogosphere. Oh, and I start my very long term project to connect Maine-based bloggers.

In October, I went to Las Vegas and thought about life. I broke up with Sean and moved out of his house. I slept on a friend's couch for two weeks until I found my current apartment. And Breaking Even turned one year old. Sarah C. stepped in with a couple of guest posts to get me through a terrible weekend.

In November, I moved into my new apartment and it was the one year anniversary of my father's death. There was a lot of crying and a big cell phone bill but I got through.

In December, my freelance work and personal happiness have ramped up. Coincidence? Probably not. And my Small Business Series was the most popular set of posts I've had besides my fashion series, the highest single day traffic I ever got. As of this evening, I have 99 subscribers, so close to my year end goal of 100. What a great note to end on.

And what's up with the champagne and corndogs headline? Well that was my dinner this New Year's Eve. I'm perfectly happy with it and realize just now that the metaphor is what I'm trying to do on this blog which is have it both ways: personal and personal finance, freelance and fun, long posts and short quips. I love the big and little things of life and I hope you do too.

So I raise a glass and a corndog to your health and mine. Best wishes in 2009 and thanks for reading this blog, for commenting, for passing around a link. I wish you could know how much I love writing Breaking Even. Happy New Year, and may you more then break even in all your projects!

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