
Shameless Promotion: The Next-To-Last French Class Edition

I'm home tonight preparing for the last two French classes of my adult education session. On one hand, le temps passe vite, but on the other, every time I teach a new class I rediscover how much work teaching really is, especially when you want to do a good job....

Too Cute Tuesday: Cool Distressed T-Shirts

I love Rachel Ray... Ok, truthfully her perkiness kind of starts bugging me after about 15 minutes but you have to admire that she's worked hard to get where she is and that she's totally worked the being pleasant thing (like I'm trying to do in my life)....

Homemade Sushi: It’s Kind Of Easy

This weekend, I started having a massive craving for sushi. Now I can't control myself in a sushi restaurant... well that and there isn't one nearby. So what's a money saving gal to do? Make my own! And make my own I did, and it was easy! (Adapted from the book "Easy...

The $20K House

  What if you want a house but can't afford it? Most of us in this boat are renting. But what if you had a morgage payment of around $60 a month? The concept of the $20K house was featured in this month's Metropolitan Home. It is an interesting...

Fabulous Friday: Fantastic Coffee Drinks

Every Friday, I try to tackle an issue of style and lifestyle on the cheap. Isn't Friday fabulous? I've never gotten the allure of Starbucks. Maybe it's because I've never lived within 50 miles of one but I think it's mostly because I can't imagine spending $4 on a...

Sadie Update: Malignant But Probably Gone

The vet called Sean's house and the poor guy got to relay me the news about Sadie's growth. The good news? It's not bad, well, not really. Essentially, Sadie's tumor is malignant (which is bad) but usually when tumors like this are removed, the...

Some Random Nicole Updates

I realized that there have been a few things going in my life that people may or may not be updated on. Not the most compelling post but sometimes a little housekeeping is in order! Last week, I got a promotion and a raise. I was really debating whether or not to...

Wednesday Writer Spotlight: Kristy at Master Your Card

For the next few Wednesdays, I'll be featuring writers I like and how they hone their craft, use the internet, get writing ideas from life, and rake in the dough. Kristy is a twentysomething personal finance blogger who has been writing with Master Your Card...

Too Cute Tuesday: Mardi Gras Beignets

Too Cute Tuesday was bound to eventually fall on Mardi Gras. We really wanted to make something festive but masks seemed so one-time-use-only. King cake with its hidden baby would have been ideal, only all the recipes that Dorrie found took 4 hours from scratch. There...

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