
This Week In Business: A Few Small Touches

In week two of self-employment, it has become clear that the honeymoon is over. My dog and I are officially sick of each other. The papers, for which a filing system was created last week, are in a small pile on the couch. Creating systems was one thing, and this week the challenge was to not only keep up with them but to improve them.

In order to hold myself accountable and entertain you at the same time, here is some of what I did/learned this week:

Too Cute Tuesday: Vegetable-Stamped Stationary

Nicole gets that crazed look in her eye when she gets that portabella mushroom to finally do what she wants.

My Pepere* was nice enough last fall to give me a 25 pound bag of fresh Maine potatoes. And boy, did they make some spectacular oven fries those cold winter nights!

As a single woman living by herself living a lower-carb life, it has taken me almost this entire time to get through the whole bag. I have two potatoes left but they are beginning to sprout. And if it is one thing I know, when life hits you with sprouting potatos, you make potato stamps.

Shameless Promotion: The It’s Been Too Long Edition

I subscribe to over 200 blogs and websites but you certainly wouldn’t know it from my blog recently. I’ve basically had time to read and bookmark and that’s about it. And then I get frustrated that my stuff isn’t getting linked!

Yeah, I get it; it’s time to pop out of my oh-my-life-is-a-whirlwind-of-change bubble and do a little aknowledgement of cool things going on elsewhere online, because there are certainly plenty.

Shameless Promotion: The It's Been Too Long Edition

I subscribe to over 200 blogs and websites but you certainly wouldn’t know it from my blog recently. I’ve basically had time to read and bookmark and that’s about it. And then I get frustrated that my stuff isn’t getting linked!

Yeah, I get it; it’s time to pop out of my oh-my-life-is-a-whirlwind-of-change bubble and do a little aknowledgement of cool things going on elsewhere online, because there are certainly plenty.

Interview With Internet Book Promoter Alexis James

I ‘met’ Alexis online as someone promoting books on behalf of authors. My question was “Wow, you can actually make money helping authors promote books online?” Alexis agreed to elaborate for me and here are some of her answers about how she makes it work.

Promoting a book anytime soon, or wonder how social media types make money online? Read on.

You Tell Me: Legitimate Online Fundraising

So I got an email today from my friend Susan asking if I knew anything about online fundraising for people in need. Here’s the scenario:

My cousin recently gave birth to her first child 11 months early which is scary, but what’s even scarier is that there are lots of health complications, her job isn’t great, if she doesn’t go back to work in 2 weeks (they’ve been with the kid in intensive care for a few weeks now) she loses her health insurance, her husband’s job got “downsized” and they’re almost finished building their house that her husband designed and built with his parent’s help. They’ve been married 1 year. So…their bills are stacking up, they may lose their house soon, and all of us in the family are feeling mighty helpless about the whole thing. How to help? Like many situations, money would solve a lot.

Too Cute Tuesday: Bath Salts

Sarah and Sue make scientific sense out of vague directions.

Ah, Tuesday. It’s the cutest, especially when we make a less labor intensive craft and just drink wine and dish.

Kind of like doing laundry, making bath salts felt like we were passively getting stuff done, if only because Dorrie was doing the heavy lifting and the rest of us were just yaking away. And by heavy lifting, I mean stirring stuff.

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