Working My Money Maker

As I was lying in the dentist’s chair getting my teeth buffed and praying for no cavities when I overheard a cutest pet contest on a radio station. It was then I had an idea. Maybe I could make money by doing next to nothing. I Googled pet photo contests only to find...

Making A Web Page 101

Remember a few days ago when I got really excited about buying my very own domain name and how it took me an hour to figure out how to make Typepad point to my new address. The good news I did it right. The bad news? Well, sometimes I’m not the brightest bulb in...

Filling A Hole

Yesterday I left work early to go to the dentist. One of my teeth has been hurting for about a month but, like most people, I ignored it until it got uncomfortable. A teeth cleaning ($100) and 2 x-rays ($20) later, I have a cavity, which will be filled ($85) about a...

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