A summary of the last few days in my life: Holy. Crap.

Monday, I did something absolutely shocking for the mild-mannered newspaper personality I cultivate at work. I turned in my resignation. My last day of work is May 15.

The biggest question I've gotten is why. That's both simple and complicated:

I want to grow my online business. If you've been reading this blog or even if you just know me, you've been watching me try to grow my business for about a year now, in true earnest these last six months. I believe I've reached a saturation point where I can't work any harder in my spare time without blowing a gasket. Someone I met the other day asked me what my hobbies were and I thought long and hard when I said "Well I have this online business, and I sleep." That's pretty much how it's been going for a while. Even in exhaustion, the desire to do this hasn't waned. I actually want it more then I ever have. That's a pretty clear sign to me that I really do want to do this.

If I'm going to do it, I can't think of a better time in my life. Yes we are in the middle of a recession, and maybe there have been better times economically to do this. But, in my life, this is prime time. I have no kids, no debt, and nothing to lose by trying this now. Worst case scenario is I fail and have to get another job, which I know I am capable of. Best case scenario, I get to do what I love every day.

I have secured a steady part-time income. A steady but part-time check will keep me on an even keel as I ramp up my work to full-time. (More on this in another post)

I love my business. I took a day off last Friday to meet with the client. I spent a few hours with her I had a great time, she had a great time, and she left saying "I feel it had been riding a tricycle all this time and you just gave me a motorcycle lesson". I realize that I had just made money and really enjoyed it. The sun was filtering into my apartment and as I got truly excited about working on this woman's project. In that moment of clarity, I thought why am I not trying to do this full-time?

I am the best thing I've bet on in a while. I was talking to my friend Jen about this and she had a really good point. She said that every employer that has ever hired me has taken a chance on me, and now I'm taking that same chance for myself. She says that I've never disappointed an employer before so why would I disappoint myself.

Along those same lines, I was thinking about what I would advise a friend to do if they were in this position. I would tell my friend to go for it. Why not put that same confidence in myself, when I know that I've been working really hard and love it? I think I am worth the risk.

I have savings if I need them. Being the practical gal that I am, I have managed to save up a little cushion of money these last few months (yeah three jobs!), and I have some money I got when my father died that I haven't even touched. My goal is to not have to use any of the money I have saved up but knowing it's there gave me the confidence to finally do this.

I will really miss all of my coworkers because I truly do enjoy working with them, but I'm really excited about this move toward the career I want. And I hope that you are too!

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