I haven’t had much time to write this week because I am still working my normal amount but also moving apartments on top of that. So I spent Thanksgiving packing boxes and not eating the celebratory Chinese food I planned on eating after because the restaurant was closed. Oh well!

I am now thankful for frozen burritos and an internet connection I can mooch off of from the neighbors until mine gets hooked up.

I have managed to accomplish a few things this week, aside from not breaking any glassware…yet.

I got things ready for my accountant.
Because accountant’s high season is January through April, my new accountant has a little more time new to look at my business stuff then he will in about a month. I’ve spent the last two weeks going through my receipts, getting my mileage together, and all that fun stuff. I’m going to deliver it to him next week and he can help me make some decisions as the year ends, like if I should finally buy that printer I need now or in 2010.

I switched on my American Express Open business card, and moved the final few business transactions remaining on my personal credit card to it.
I’ve been really good about not using my business account for any personal purchases but it hasn’t been so good going in the other direction. This week, I’ve finally began putting a few recurring charges, like my monthly internet bill, on my business account. 2010 will be an easier year accountingwise because of it.

I tried to get internet service in my new apartment…and am still working on it.
I almost didn’t move just so I wouldn’t have to deal with Time Warner cable. If you’ve been reading this blog awhile, you remember how it took me over a month last year to get internet. (And it’s not the middle of nowhere, folks. I live on one of the main streets in Bar Harbor, home to the second most visited national park in the United States!)

My suspicions of being annoyed were confirmed when I spent an hour on the phone with them today. Four days ago, I signed up for free self installation and a modem that will be free after rebates, which they offered as part of the promotion. They then called to schedule a technician to come and tried to charge me for it. I talked to three different customer service people and a fourth in a special division is apparently going to call me back Monday. If you say it’s free, give it to me for free, that’s all I have to say! I’ll let you know how it turns out.

I redid my price list.
I like to publish my services and prices on the front page of this website. This is for three main reasons:

1) Potential clients know how much I cost and what kinds of services I offer.
2) It helps me be transparent and honest, which are core values of both myself and BEC.
3) When it comes to technology, most people assume it’s going to be really expensive and are often pleasantly surprised that it’s not.

Since the state of Maine will likely start taxing services in the next year, I’m going to have to raise my prices slightly in 2010. I took the opportunity to redo my price list in more detail and have it copyedited to make sure it was understandable by those who aren’t on the internet all day like myself. I now have a readable document that I’m much more proud of.

Nothing like taking this moving week to get myself organized. And tomorrow, I’ll be thankful to finally be in a new, larger place that’ll be more conducive to a healthy separation between working and not working.

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