If last week was the ebbing of work, this week was the flow back. I think enough back and forth and I will finally realize (and hopefully internalize!) that these changes are normal and worrying about them won’t help. Here was my week:

I finally generated the FAQ for this site.

In an effort to save time, I have created some answers to some frequently asked questions I get mostly over email. I seperated out the questions related to the blog, and those related to the business:


I still feel there’s too much text (or maybe just not enough graphical elements?) but if you can think of any questions I forgot or have other ideas to make the FAQ more user friendly, let me know.

I am officially working with the Herring Alliance. Yay!

The contract with my big client has gone through. I am proud to be generating an internet marketing plan for the Herring Alliance, which is dedicated to restoring marine wildlife populations and Northeastern U.S. marine ecosystems by reforming the Atlantic herring fishery.

The information is coming in and I’m finishing the proposal over the next few weeks. It’ll be challenging since it’s the biggest project I’ve worked on to date but I think it’ll also be really rewarding.

I was interviewed today by MaineBiz.

Mercedes Grandin conducted my very first interview about my new business for MaineBiz. I was pretty nervous and, despite having created talking points and practiced with a timer (so as not to ramble) for a couple hours, I still felt unprepared. I completely understand why people go through media training and I think I could certainly use some.

The issue will be coming out in two weeks, and I hope I sound moderately intelligent in the article!

That said, my old newspaper gave me some press as well this week, which was also nice.

All in all, a good week which I was certainly due for! How was your week?

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