Sometimes, all it takes is one person to make a difference. This week, I salute that one person, and the many forms they came in:

My friend Matt and I had one person sign up for our workshop…and hopefully more to come.
We took the plunge and Matt and I went forward with our presentation idea. We reserved the room. We advertised the presentation to our networks. We bought the projector and screen (nothing like the thrill and terror of spending $850 in 5 minutes). I began to panic this week when no one was signing up. Did we charge too much? Was it too early to hope for more enthusiasm? Did we schedule this workshop the wrong time of year?

And just when I was second guessing the whole thing, someone signed up. And paid. Insert sigh of relief here.

Here’s hoping for a few more participants. For more information or to sign up yourself, click here.

I’ll be presenting to the Deer Isle-Stonington Chamber of Commerce, and as part of the Schoodic Arts Festival this summer.
Based on my Ellsworth Chamber presentation, I booked two more speaking gigs for the coming months.

Apparently, this happened because I impressed one person affiliated with each organization. Maybe I can be a motivational speaker after all… a motivational speaker that finally kicks you in the butt to do some internet marketing for your business anyway.

I now have a working network.
After sinking hours into this whole making-my-Mac-and-PC-communicate-through-a-network thing, I was spent. I resigned myself to a life of dragging my printer across the room to print on my desktop PC and other ridiculous behaviors.

My friend UK Phil offered to Skype me through it today (by the way, in the new version of Skype, there is a ‘Share My Screen’ feature under the Chat menu. Handy). Two hours and several possible issues worked through later, I can now print from my Mac or PC wirelessly via my Airport Express. Oh, and if I forgot a file, I no longer have to email it to myself to view it on the other computer. The fact that my one friend used their evening off to watch me get frustrated via webcam meant a lot, and the fact that the solution actually worked means I’ll be able to get much more done efficiently.

So thank you to all those individuals who’ve helped me along the way, and not just this week. Know that one really does make a difference, especially to us one man or woman operations. Have a great rest of the week!

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