This week was all about helping friends (and having them help me out) in both my personal and professional life. Here’s how things went.

I attended my friend Ogy’s first webinar, and he did a heck of a job.
I love attending webinars but I’ve never given one myself. Giving one must feel an awful lot like being on the radio. You are talking to yourself and not sure about what your audience is thinking because you can’t see their faces or get any other feedback from them. Meanwhile, you are trying to get through your slides and read everyone’s questions all while being an interesting and engaging presenter. In short, I’m sure it’s way harder than it looks, which is why no matter what, I was going to attend my web designer friend Ogy’s first webinar.

Turns out Ogy did a great job, and the good news is he has more coming up. (Did I mention they are also free?) Seeing Ogy do this actually encouraged me to go public with a few projects of my own I’ve been a bit nervous about.

Matt came over and we set up the screen and projector.
My friends know that while I love the internet, I am completely nervous about setting up anything physically. Everything from operating a dog crate to a sewing machine for the first time, I usually try to get a friend to help me by offering to cook them food. I have a profound fear of breaking things and get easily frustrated.

I pretended that I was waiting for Matt to come by to try out the screen to share the excitement but in reality, I was terrified of breaking it. Good news: it all works. Even better news: The ginormous box it came in had already been recycled because I got sick of looking at it…so returning the screen was going to be annoying anyway.

My friend Jodi provided a guest post in my hour of need.
Sometimes, as a blogger, things come up in your life that interfere with your publishing schedule. My best friend’s mother has been very sick so when she was set to arrive home Tuesday night for a couple days of recouperation before heading back, I wanted to have dinner and an open ear for her. I did, however, also want to keep my resolution of having my blog continue its new schedule.

All I had to do was ask and fellow blogger Jodi for a post and she said “Sure!” We should all be so lucky, as bloggers, business owners, and people in general, to have friends who are willing to give something just because you need it, not even requiring an explanation.

In short, rely on your friends, because the internet gives us the power to collaborate as businesses, and personally be there for our friends, like never before. Have a good rest of the week.

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