This week’s biggest news has nothing to do with my business bottom line but will effect things from here on out. Last night at about 11 pm, I got a dog.

Gidget is a 30 pound Corgi mix that’ll keep me company while I work, force me to take exercise breaks, and otherwise up my overall quality of life.

Besides getting a dog and probably paying way too much attention to her, here’s what’s been going on this week:

Gidget, the little dog with big ideas.

I talked someone out of spending a lot of with me.

I usually get a few website inquiries a week and I’m lucky if 10% of them turn into actual sales.

When a woman I volunteered with a few years ago contacted me about a website this past week, I would have really loved to have done the work, especially when she said she definitely wanted to hire me (Awww).

But when she told me about she was just starting this company and had a really limited budget but the ability to create the written content herself, I told her about a workshop I was giving that would allow her to save her money for the ecommerce part of her site rather than the initial WordPress setup.


For not only your conscience but your customers, I think it’s better to lose a bit of money and point the person in a better direction for them. Eventually, her company will be in a better position to purchase my services but for now, I’m looking forward to helping her get started… even if it means less money for me.

I gave another Ellsworth Chamber presentation.
It’s always fun for me to meet new people and doing presentations at area Chambers allows me to do that. Running into Mary Laury at Schoodic Arts for All at the lunch also helped me solidify the courses I’m going to offer as part of their summer festival. (Nothing like seeing someone to jog a memory that needed jogging!)

Here’s hoping you had a great week, whether it was on four legs or two!

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