So the Obama family spent the weekend visiting my normally quiet corner of the world. It’s pretty much all anyone can talk about. Seeing the folks with signs sitting on lawn chairs near the bridge connecting MDI to the mainland was really sweet. Some people actually had the nerve to complain. I say the opportunities a visit of this magnitude presents far outweigh the small incoveniences to me. And I can say that with complete honesty because I live right in the thick of where the Obama family was visiting.

In case someone connected with them is reading this, thanks for coming to Maine. We were happy to have you!

These past few weeks have been really busy, which is always the case if I don’t post ‘this week in business’ one week. I’m working on several projects, most of which I can’t really talk about until they are more done so that I actually have something worthwhile to say.

For the first time ever, I have my newsletter done ahead of time.

Because I’ll be doing a little travel with my family next week, I decided to start the newsletter *gasp* ahead of schedule. It’s all about free and easy ways to set up a blog (for your business or just for you). Click here to sign up (or look right for the ‘Keep In Touch’ section)!

I’m creating packages, and wow, is it slow going.

My friend Ogy (and many others) have asked me about creating packages around my services. (And as if further reinforcing this ‘you finally have to do this’ idea, Chris Brogan wrote this article about simplifying and packaging the sale.)

The thing I’m struggling with at the moment is creating something that 1) is understandable to the average person and 2) has enough technical information in there that makes me legit. Though as I write that, I am understanding that the first point is way more important than the second and may cut the six pages of info I have so far into something much shorter. Editing: a natural byproduct of the writing process.

I’ll be in the August issue of Maine Ahead, but my whole interview is on their blog now.

I was supposed to be in the September issue of Maine Ahead when Melanie Brooks called to tell me they are running the story in August. You can pick up the issue in the next week (guess I better start getting my website prettier!) and you can read the whole interview here if you’re interested:

Have a good week… and by good, I mean productive and fun!

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