by Nicole Ouellette | Oct 27, 2020 | This Week In Business
This series is informally titled “If I Was A Marketing D-Bag” discusses worst marketing practices, which we are aware of but don’t do because I enjoy sleeping at night running a non-scammy business. This week we’ll discuss fake reviews: where to buy them, how to spot a fake, and why people even bother.
by Nicole Ouellette | Oct 13, 2020 | This Week In Business
Today’s topic is going to be a longer running topic called ‘If I Was A Marketing D-Bag’ where I discuss things I could do and know exist but won’t do because I enjoy sleeping at night. All about buying online reviews.
by John Swinconeck | Feb 3, 2017 | This Week In Business
Last year, I packed up my family and moved us to a new apartment, a process I liken to having a root canal, only with less sitting, fewer painkillers and far more cursing. I hired movers for the job, and was pretty impressed with their humor, chill attitude, and the...
by Nicole Ouellette | Sep 2, 2013 | Marketing Monday
I saw one of my Facebook friends ask people to check into her business on Facebook and Twitter. I slapped my forehead because she can’t actually can’t track that unless she’s clairvoyant. (And if you are clairvoyant, by all means close your business...
by Nicole Ouellette | Sep 24, 2010 | This Week In Business
I always know I’m going on a big trip when I am drinking terrible gas station coffee. I kind of look forward to it actually! This week, I headed to Social Media FTW in Portland to present about business blogging. Nothing like standing up in front of 150ish...