What I Learned At The Joomla World Conference

Last week, I got back from San Jose, California where I attended the Joomla World Conference. To those people who are not nerdy about websites, Joomla is one of the largest open source softwares used to create websites today (the other two ‘big’ ones are...

Is Website Maintenance Worth It?

Here at Breaking Even, we offer website maintenance to our clients, whether we built the site or not. And here is when we give people choices: monthly fee or as needed. Most clients seem to understand ‘as needed’ help. When they notice something extremely...

Some Non-Nerdy Thoughts On Joomla Day New England

To all of you who think I’m smart, thanks. You know how well compliments work on me. That said, it’s important to keep whatever awesome things you think about yourself in check. Every day I’m humbled about my brain power by dealing with people much...

Why Flash Websites Stink

People ask me sometimes: Do you do Flash websites? I don’t. And I have better reasons then being too lazy to learn Flash. For those who don’t know, Adobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash) is a multimedia platform used to add animation, video, and...

Too Cute Tuesday: Morsbags

Too Cute Tuesday involves fun friends, a cheap craft, and a cool cocktail. To get involved, check us out on Facebook or contact Nicole.

Who doesn’t love it when crafting is part of a larger movement? When Meg (friend and craft enthusiast on Vinalhaven) alerted Too Cute Tuesday of the Morsbag movement (‘socialable guerilla bagging’), we wanted to join in.

Morsbag seeks to empower people to create their own bags in an effort to cut down on use of plastic shopping bags. You make them and give them to people (and yourself if you want).

Fabric (18″ by 4″ sections, 18″ by 20″ sections- 2 of each)
Sewing machine
Iron and ironing board
Tape measure
Straight edge

Click here for the pattern! (a one page, relatively easy to follow .pdf you can print off or pass on)

Cocktail of the Night: Seadog Wild Blueberry Wheat Ale (Sorry folks, getting my sewing machine down from the top of my closet was challenge enough for the evening)

1. Gather supplies. Observe that this may take the longest time of anything you are going to do this evening. Print off pdf of instructions. (Sorry environmental folks, easier to pass around the table that way! I’ll write on the back of the paper though, promise.)

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