When Someone Else’s Kid Is Sick

A little over a week ago, my sister gave birth to what we all thought was a healthy baby boy named Drew. He was very cute and soon, I saw pictures of friends and family members taking their turns holding him over my Facebook newsfeed, which you expect with a Facebook...

A Playlist For My Dad: Four Years Later

Some Fridays on this blog, I write about whatever I want. Because I can. :^) Happy Veteran’s Day! I am so proud of the people who have served and grateful that their sacrifices have made my life possible. Thank you, veterans. I usually get a lot of condolences...

Marketing Monday: Valentine’s Day

I heard a story on NPR that the average person spends $150ish on Valentine’s Day. The number seems to vary based on what article you read but I couldn’t help but think this is kind of ridiculous. Yeah, I’m not very romantic but, ignoring romantic...

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