After securing part time employment for the transition and crunching the numbers, that's when the reality that this is possible really sunk in. It was time to tell my employer what was going on.

The Letter of Resignation

Rejection sucks. I once read somewhere though that while it is a necessary part of life, it is good that we feel bad when we do it. It means we are human and not heartless.

This letter was the hardest thing I've had to write in a long time. I really like and respect my boss and he was the one of course I had to address this to. It was a few sentences I worked on for a few hours.

I found some online examples and added some sincere thoughts about the position. I kept it short and to the point.

A letter of resignation is not where you complain or go on and on. It is for your employer to know what's going on. (If you want to get detailed, maybe wait for your exit interview, and consider if you want to burn any bridges, chosing words accordingly.)

I tried to give a month's notice for the position rather than the traditional two weeks. My boss said he appreciated that. I have also made it clear in a follow up email that I am happy to help with this transition in any way I can. It's true; I like the company and I don't want to leave anyone in the lurch by leaving. That said, everyone is replaceable and I'm not self-absorbed enough to think otherwise.

My boss and I I'm sure will have a sit down when I get back from my vacation.

After I turned in my letter, the whole thing felt really surreal. There was no going back. I had done it. I then had a rush of emotions that I wasn't expecting. Sadness, excitement, happiness, disappointment, terror… what followed though was an overwhelming feeling of relief.

I am sure I'll probably cry like a baby on my last day but I hope the newspaper is rooting for my success because I'll continue to root for theirs long after I get my last paycheck.

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