While it seems that I've quit my job all of a sudden, there was some planning before I finally turned in my resignation.

Part I of this series is how I got my part time job. I timed this perfectly with tourist season so I would be more likely to find part time local work. If you think of doing this, I would suggest looking at your local economy and getting your timing right to increase your odds for success.

The Seasonal Job Fair
I am currently living in a town that will be filled tourists in approximately 3 weeks. Most local businesses are hiring for summer help and I know that many of my friends work multiple jobs this summer to be able to make the money while it's here to be made. I heard about this job fair that was going on across the street from my house this past weekend and I decided to brush up my resume and go. I made the rounds at the tables, filling out applications and talking to people about different possibilities. As I was about to leave, a woman pulled me aside. "I've seen how you've been walking around this room and talking to people, and I would like to offer you a position with at my inn." I was pretty excited about this idea because I'm working late nights did not seem like the best idea when I was trying to grow a business and I also wanted something that could potentially do longer then August if I needed to.

The most random job I got offered with a bouncer position at a local club. Apparently, irate drunk people give girls less hard time than they do big burly guys. (What makes this hilarious: I am about 5' 6" and what I would describe as a medium build, not all the bouncer type!)

But I did walk away with a few possibilities to follow up on, both for the part-time job and a possible business clients. Filling out job applications that asked me about what high school I went to did initially feel a little disheartening but I found the whole job fair experience a good way to meet local business owners and brush up on my interviewing, resume writing, and other job hunting skills.

Tomorrow's Post: Number Crunching

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