Infomagical: My Journey

Infomagical: My Journey

“You mean you haven’t heard of that?” Sometimes a friend will say this to me when I haven’t seen the latest viral video everyone’s been commenting about on Facebook or read the 10,000 word New York Times article about a social justice...

Everyday I’m Buffering

Er, actually, not everyday, because that’s the magic of a service that schedules things in advance. When someone says “Buffer,” I usually think a) they’re describing someone who has spent a lot of time at the gym or b) c’mon, YouTube, I...
You Make How Much Per Hour?!

You Make How Much Per Hour?!

It’s everyone’s dream to get paid more to do less, or nothing at all (which is why everyone was clambering for Powerball tickets recently). You’ve probably heard the statistics of corporate CEOs and how their salaries translate to an hourly rate. If I just had their...

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