Tech Thursday: Splitsville

Tech Thursday: Splitsville

In this week’s episode: Foursquare splits into two apps, Google+ splits up different kinds of content, businesses we know try to do too much. When to add on, when to split, and when you should keep doing what’s working! Plus, some really fun plant-related...
Who’s Eating This?

Who’s Eating This?

Kassie was recently telling me about the website that seems to no longer exist called “Pick the Perp”. You pick who you think was charged with a particular crime. Here’s an example:   Now in some cases, it seems obvious… until a little old...
Tech Thursday: Your Presence on Pause

Tech Thursday: Your Presence on Pause

A lot of times, you just want to press ‘delete’ on things online: your Facebook profile, that page on your website, most anything. We discuss how both everything and nothing are permanent and why you should consider deactivating, un-publishing, or other...

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