Tech Thursday: OGP

Tech Thursday: OGP

This week, we just have one question: You down with OGP? Please enjoy this rap about microdata. Need a bit of background? See our previous serious video on microdata. Lyrics and Rapping: Nicole Ouellette Video capture and editing: Kassie Strout Here are the full...
The Joy of Missing Out

The Joy of Missing Out

This is the time of year when everyone gets frazzled, spreading themselves as thin as possible to maximize the amount of social interactions and parties they attend. As an indecisive person, I can appreciate the relief that comes from saying “Yes” to...

Press Release 101: Using Imagery

So, we’ve gone over the nature of a press release and how to write one. Press Release Part 3 discusses how to add images that tie your words together. Every picture tells a story. Include an eye-catching photo that will draw attention to your press release when...
Tech Thursday: Microdata 101

Tech Thursday: Microdata 101

As Nicole says, this week we’re going “meta.” You may have noticed, some links that get shared on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. look really great, while others…not so much. Why is that? Microdata, my friends! Microdata is defined as...

Website Launch: Community Development Society

When a website is meant to serve a lot of people, you have to balance the needs of everyone. The Community Development Society has hundreds of members worldwide. Many are involved in committees within the organization (so they need access to info regular members...

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