DMARC is an acronym but the main thing you need to know about it is it helps you send your email more securely by adding two aspects to your email. People can spoof both phone numbers and email addresses and locking down your domain/email with DMARC means they...
How long does it take for you to find a password for something? Do you have passwords written down on sticky notes or on a random piece of paper in a desk? The problem with this system is that it isn’t very secure, and it probably takes awhile for you to find...
Hacks on hacks on hacks. You’ve probably seen the latest “big breach” in the news: Ashley Madison’s user list got hacked and tons of people’s emails were released to the public. Yikes. But, even if you’re just trying to buy your...
How do we prove we are who we say we are? In this week’s Tech Thursday, we explore verification, security, and identity issues in the online world. 2 Factor Authentication, Captcha, and security questions are common types of verification, and are tending towards...
Online security is a pretty important issue, especially if your website accepts any sort of information from customers. If you have an online store that accepts payment information, or even if you just have a contact form with names and addresses, you want to keep...