Creating A Subscription Product with Junkchique

Creating A Subscription Product with Junkchique

Want to create a way for customers to pay you over and over? Having some kind of subscription product is a great way to keep the same customers happy month to month. Debbie at Junkchique just went through our working group through the SBDC Canton about this very thing and she’s here to talk about her approach, her marketing, and her sales since launching last week.

Your Business Photography Questions Answered (With Jennifer Helman)

Your Business Photography Questions Answered (With Jennifer Helman)

So you are DIYing your website (or looking to have someone build you one) and you need some photos. What kind of photos do you need? How can you make your photos look more awesome? Guest Jennifer Belman is the co-owner of Downeast Photography which specializes in business photography and product photography in Ellsworth Maine and will answer all our questions (or at least some good ones).

Selling More Online 101

Selling More Online 101

This month’s theme is all about selling more (using what you already have), so look for upcoming posts about specific concepts (like cross selling and upselling) but for now, let’s get started with some basics to get your head thinking in this direction....
The Mighty Macro

The Mighty Macro

OK, so here’s a secret. I’m a trekkie. Have been ever since my family borrowed Star Trek III on VHS from the library, circa 1985. If you looked at my Christmas tree last month, you would see it festooned with ornaments resembling Star Trek starships...
Live Videos and Products

Live Videos and Products

This post is a continuation of our live video series. Check out last week’s post on non-profits and live video.  When it comes to live videos and branded content, video streaming for businesses that sell products seem like a no-brainer. There are many different...

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