Lift IV: Rocking 2015

This picture seems like an appropriate way to start this post, because, well, this past month rocked:   So last time, I noticed some differences about Lift and how it seemed the emails and notifications were getting a bit pushier. It’s funny how when you...
Tech Thursday: All About Goal Setting

Tech Thursday: All About Goal Setting

As promised, this week is part 2 of the “Getting Ready to Take On 2015” series. Last week, you made a to-do list and an available resources list. Now, we’re going to use those lists to set some goals for the year! First, you’re going to rank...

The First Month of Lift

A day or so after starting this project, I read a blog post on why our resolutions often fail. Turns out, it’s often a failure to change those nit-picky little things that we do- those small changes in our habits. In other words, we should start small, and...

Conducting Your Own Annual Review

(I was going to call this a ‘self audit’ but the word ‘audit’ seems to make people nervous and think of taxes!) I think I can safely say all of us what to have the best life possible. But what we are all liable to do is coast, phone it in, or...

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