Marketing Monday: Badly Targeted Ads

I think most business owners are excited about the idea of using the internet to do targeted marketing. Search engines like Google have allowed us to do pay per click advertising to a certain demographic in terms of location and search terms for years. (Ex: target...

Marketing Monday: Finn’s Irish Pub

Every Monday, the Breaking Even blog profiles a person, business, or organization doing cool things online. Have a nomination? Let me know about it!

My friend Paul set up a Facebook page for Finn’s Irish Pub, a restaurant in downtown Ellsworth. Since Paul owns the building (in his working life he is one of a food distributor for independent restaurants), he has a vested interest in making the restaurant work and decided to set up a Facebook page to help promote it.

With over 500 fans, Finn’s regularly updates their page, posts photos of their food, and let’s people know about local events.

What I really liked, however, was an interaction a couple weeks ago centering around the question: Should Finn’s make a separate kids’ menu?

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