Reengaging Customers

Reengaging Customers

You might have heard (or experienced yourself) that it’s less expensive to retain a customer then get a new one. So whether you have a new product or service or are just thinking it might be good to reach out, this video has some ideas about how you can re-engage your customers, offline and online.
(Greeting card designs have been uploaded here for amusement and light commercialization:


Marketing Monday: Mountain Dew

Every Monday, the BE Blog posts about some fun marketing idea, online and off. If you have an idea, let me know. You might be featured!

I’m always impressed when a large company can get a lot of people to vote on something. Voter turnout at elections is so small yet Cottonelle can get thousands of people to vote in the ‘over versus under’ toilet paper debate. Really?!

In any case, over the weekend after spending a lot of hours in a car with Chef Dan, I found out that Mountain Dew is having a vote about a new flavor. Dan’s chosen flavor didn’t win a few years ago and this year, he was going to try them all so he could make an informed decision. His boss is doing the same.

The convenience stores we stopped at were selling Mountain Dew 2 bottles for $2. Lowering the price is certainly a good idea to get people to try new things.

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