The Internet of Good

“Life is full of ups and downs, you know that. But please take a deep breath, I can’t understand what you’re saying right now”- my mom. And she’s right, I do know that, and so do you (the ups and downs, anyway)- it’s something...

Movember: Mo Money, Mo ‘Staches

    Fundraising campaigns are everywhere you turn this time of year, and honestly, seeing all that goodwill makes my heart feel warm and fuzzy. One of the fuzzier campaigns being the recently popular Movember, where men spend the month cultivating...

Marketing Monday: Las Vegas Casinos

You may have noticed I’ve been absent. I took my first full on vacation in two years this last week and went to Las Vegas. I spent a total of 3 hours online the whole time I was there, mostly keeping ahead of email. The rest of the time, I just took it all in....

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