Personal Development for Busy People

Personal Development for Busy People

One of the number one reasons we don’t follow through on something is because of the time commitment it takes to get it done. We’re all busy people, so when it comes to working out, reading that book the internet is raving about, or starting up a new hobby...
My Five Favorite Business Books

My Five Favorite Business Books

It’s no secret that to be a good writer, it helps to be a good reader. And when I first started this business and time was short, I decided I was only going to read business books (and occasional biography of a business person helped break things up). I now read...

Five Love Languages

I know it’s hard to believe but sometimes, I get in fights with people. Or more accurately, I get mad at them and steam silently. I know, super helpful. One thing I’ve learned in my travels is about the five love languages:

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