This weekend, I'm back in my hometown this time for a little longer then usual. There's a football game on television and beer at our local dive bar in the near future. Ah, vacation.

I've been meaning to give props to some people who have been well laboring:

Being Frugal is a Walmart mom, which means she'll be blogging about money saving from her own perspective (this is a competitive but unpaid honor) and no doubt she'll get even more exposure to her blog. Good for you Lynnae!

Kelly at Almost Frugal has launched a new food blog Almost Frugal Food. Good blogger with French recipes? J'aime ca!

I entered an economics haiku contest at the Freakonomics. I didn't win but in case you were curious, my entry:

Reading self help books
to better manage money.
Must stop buying books.

Remodeling This Life is now contributing to Blissfully Domestic, where I read a great article about how local honey can help with allergies.

Wisebread made a complete list of female personal finance bloggers, which I'm on. My photo is even in the list! I do appreciate a mention.

Northern Cheapskate gave me a blog award which was my first ever. In passing it onto five of my favorite blogs, I'd give an award to Budgets Are Sexy, Cheap Healthy Good, Can I Get Rich On A Salary, Money Saving Mom, and Almost Frugal.

Anyway, keep up the good work everyone but do take some time to relax. I sure am!

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