
How To Throw A Party With $50

I've been really hankering to have a party lately. I don't know if it's because Halloween and other holidays are coming up or because I haven't thrown one since moving here (and it's been about three months) but it seems to be the time to invite people over and be the...

Money On The Side: Adult Ed Teacher

When I think about it, almost everyone I know who is underemployed has some way that they make money on the side. I know people who rent out buildings they own, do free lance photography, write, and design web sites. Even while I was preparing to move to my current...

Credit Reports: Lame But Worth Listening To An Automated Voice For

About a month ago, when I really wanted to rent a Lindsay Lohan movie but couldn’t bare that anyone see me rent it, I rented a documentary about credit instead called Maxed Out. I kicked myself all the way home, thinking I had went too far in the wrong direction but it ended up being a very interesting movie that made me want to order a copy of all my credit reports finally. Apparently the average consumer has lots of errors in their credit report and since I’ve never checked mine, I figure now is the time to find any errors and start disputing them.

When You Have To Pat Yourself On The Back

What I wanted to do tonight: Order out some Chinese dumplings for dinner and buy a new glossy magazine to flip through. Total theoretical cost: $10

What I did do: Ate leftovers and downloaded a free TV show on iTunes. (This feed let’s you know what free downloads are available from iTunes. Very handy.) Total actual cost: $3

Once a month, in an effort to save funds, I like to not go to the grocery store for a week and really clean out the fridge and pantry. The results are usually bizarre and can result in small portions of random dishes. I find though that I waste less food this way as I find, for example, some corn that has migrated its way to the back of the fridge or a can of beans I forgot I had.

I Heart/Hate My Budget

I moved to my current location a few months ago and accepted a job that pays $7,000 less a year than my last job. While it may sound crazy to some, I think most would agree with the statement “Money isn’t everything”. Because it isn’t. I love my current job. When I am there, I’m happy. I like the people I work with, I find my actual work interesting, and I feel needed and appreciated. I leave it at the end of the day and never think about it after I drive out of the parking lot. But did I mention I barely make above minimum wage and have bare bones health insurance with a $5,000 deductible?

So I have decided to use the last two months to figure out my budget, which I need to stick to pretty closely. Here is what I’ve figured out so far:

An Introduction

Money is boring. I think many people think it is. It seems elusive to some and in too much abundance to others. But money effects us all in profound ways. It affects the way we see the world, who we interact with and how we interact with them, what we do and don't do...

Personal Finance With A Personality

Money is boring. Tracking expenses, creating and maintaining a budget, and finding the best deal are time consuming and tedious, otherwise we’d all do it all the time, right?

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