
5 Tips On How To Waste Less Energy

A Salute To Earth Week Today, it's all about energy use, or lack of use more specifically, and how you can cut back on energy use painlessly and save cash. This will give me a chance to use that list of links I've collected and get your ideas. When I was a little...

Some Updates At Breaking Even

You may have noticed some recent (though minor) changes on this site. I'd like to explain. First of all, I've successfully purchased a new domain: A friend has helped me make it so when you type in, you will get to a page which...

How Is This A Green Product?

A Salute To Earth Week Whenever I think of certifications or guarentees, I tend to that scene from "Tommy Boy" when in a longish and crazy tirade, he explains that a company-issued guarentee is just a "guarenteed piece of..." Clearly, I'm a little...

Your Complete Guide To Composting

Salute To Earth Week This weekend, a compost was started in the backyard. So far, it doesn't stink. Of course, it's only three days old. Composting is basically a natural process of decay that you can use to eliminate trash and create useable soil for your gardening...

Buying Local

A Salute To Earth Week Yesterday, I spent the day at the Comic Arts Laugh Festival in Belfast, Maine which is about a 45 minute drive. More specifically, I watched a bunch of independent movies. We got to the theater and the sign said “Independent Movies- 4 hours”....

Homemade Cleaners

A Salute To Earth Week Unless you live under a rock, it's pretty hard to miss the fact that Earth Day is coming up. (And if you do live under a rock, well, I guess it doesn't matter because clearly you are one with the Earth.) Some of you may know my tendency to...

How To Not Spend A Gajillion Dollars At The Drugstore

I have friends who are real drugstore junkies. A new lipstick here, a crazy nail color really allows even the budget conscious to take the phrase "Buy a little something nice for yourself" seriously. But there is a reason that the phrase...

Book Review: Emily Post’s Etiquette

When my mother bought me an etiquette book four years ago the Christmas after I graduated from college, I couldn't have been more insulted. Raised in a family where thank you notes had to be written and us kids always left a note on the counter if we were going...

Book Review: Emily Post's Etiquette

When my mother bought me an etiquette book four years ago the Christmas after I graduated from college, I couldn't have been more insulted. Raised in a family where thank you notes had to be written and us kids always left a note on the counter if we were going...

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