Entertainment Is A Click Away

Looking for a way to hear new music but can’t afford satellite radio? I’ve got the perfect solution. Pandora (the Music Genome Project) is a great web site where you put in a favorite song or artist and then Pandora "suggests" other artists/songs...

How To Throw A Party With $50

I’ve been really hankering to have a party lately. I don’t know if it’s because Halloween and other holidays are coming up or because I haven’t thrown one since moving here (and it’s been about three months) but it seems to be the time to...

Money On The Side: Adult Ed Teacher

When I think about it, almost everyone I know who is underemployed has some way that they make money on the side. I know people who rent out buildings they own, do free lance photography, write, and design web sites. Even while I was preparing to move to my current...

Credit Reports: Lame But Worth Listening To An Automated Voice For

About a month ago, when I really wanted to rent a Lindsay Lohan movie but couldn’t bare that anyone see me rent it, I rented a documentary about credit instead called Maxed Out. I kicked myself all the way home, thinking I had went too far in the wrong direction but it ended up being a very interesting movie that made me want to order a copy of all my credit reports finally. Apparently the average consumer has lots of errors in their credit report and since I’ve never checked mine, I figure now is the time to find any errors and start disputing them.

When You Have To Pat Yourself On The Back

What I wanted to do tonight: Order out some Chinese dumplings for dinner and buy a new glossy magazine to flip through. Total theoretical cost: $10

What I did do: Ate leftovers and downloaded a free TV show on iTunes. (This feed let’s you know what free downloads are available from iTunes. Very handy.) Total actual cost: $3

Once a month, in an effort to save funds, I like to not go to the grocery store for a week and really clean out the fridge and pantry. The results are usually bizarre and can result in small portions of random dishes. I find though that I waste less food this way as I find, for example, some corn that has migrated its way to the back of the fridge or a can of beans I forgot I had.

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