Why You Should Try To Use Google+

Now whenever I am giving a social media talk, I gloss a bit over Google+ for a few reasons: 1) Relatively few people care about it right now. Not sure if you’ve ever had a limited amount of time to get through a topic and a lot to cover but when there is cool...

How To Not Be Catfished Online

A relatively recent reality obsession of mine has been the television show Catfish. The premise of the movie (and now spin off show) is that someone is in an internet- based relationship with someone they’ve never met… until they do. And it’s never...

Project Management Software

It seems like it would be pretty easy to run a two person business with a few subcontractors, right? Well increasingly, it wasn’t easy. Emails get lost or misfiled… that and I can’t easily look at my email and know a project status if Alice is...

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