One Day Website

What is One Day Website? It’s a class we hold periodically in person, either something we organize ourselves or with a group that works with us to offer this to their members (ex: Maine Arts Commission)

We also offer this online at any time!

What we cover in class:

  • Why WordPress (AKA the difference between Squarespace/Wix and WordPress)
  • Hosting and domain name 101 (and secure certificates 101)
  • Creating posts and pages
  • Creating a navigational menu
  • Picking and installing a design template (WordPress calls them themes)
  • Adding functionality to your site (WordPress calls them plugins)
  • Security best practices (backing up and updates)
  • What you can do next (thinking about ecommerce, SEO, and improving your site over time)

$349: Hosting and domain included
If you need a domain name and hosting, we are partnering with Svaha LLC for one year free web hosting and domain. Note: Svaha is a LetsEncrypt SSL provider, meaning you get a free secure certificate as well ($180 total value).

Ready to host your own class? Contact us and we’ll talk you through it.

Want to just join us when we host a class next? Sign up for our email list!

Sign Up For The Online Class

What makes ‘One Day Website’ the class more than 300 people have gone through?

We like to strike the balance with approachable instruction and useful skills. Our goal is that, if you come to class with some photos and text you want to work with, that you can leave the workshop with a basic, functional website that 1) you can keep up-to-date and 2) can grow with you over time.

Our workshop fee includes one free year of hosting with Svaha LLC and we help you chose and buy a domain name ahead of time (if you need one). We don’t spend our precious time showing you how to install WordPress software on your domain (something you only have to do once)- we do that before you even get in! Within the first 15 minutes, we are helping you create your first page and moving on from there.

Here’s what you can expect to happen during One Day Website:

  • Learn about the components of a website like the menu, sidebars, and footers, and see how these elements work together
  • Make pages and blog posts
  • Customize your website’s appearance
  • Add features to your website, such as contact form, image galleries, and more
  • Track your website data
  • Understand ecommerce (we give information but don’t set up during the class)

Check out our sign up page to see when we’ll offer One Day Website next… or find some friends and schedule your own One Day Website workshop that works for your schedules.

Check out our newest offer!