Why Does My Website Cost What It Costs? (A Bit About Website Builders)

Why Does My Website Cost What It Costs? (A Bit About Website Builders)

Why does your friend pay $536/year to keep her website online and you pay $175? This video will talk about goes into pricing for different website builders… and how you can pick the best software if you’re going to DIY. Bonus content about what a web designer does and why it’s more expensive to have a custom site built. (See accompanying spreadsheet at https://www.breakingeveninc.com/website-builders-compared if you want to geek out later.)

Tech Thursday: Who Hosts My Website Again?

So, you may never really get to “meet” the person (or people) who host your website, and that’s totally fine. But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do a bit of research. Before you pay that hosting bill or renew your domain, make sure you...

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