The Time My Phone Spied On Me

The Time My Phone Spied On Me

Moments before Thanskgiving Dinner this year, I almost threw my phone across the room with the intent of shattering it into a million tiny pieces. Earlier that day, I’d been having a conversation in our living room about carpet cleaning while the baby was doing...
Can Your Phone Do That?

Can Your Phone Do That?

**This post contains affiliate links** In addition to phone cases that do more, there are lots of accessories and attachments available that can transform your phone into any other tool you may need for your business. I couldn’t cover ALL the possible phone...
Phone Cases That Do More

Phone Cases That Do More

**This post contains affiliate links** Most people with cell phones consider cases a necessary add-on. After all, who wants to be left in the lurch with a shattered screen or malfunctioning phone after it has a little lovetap with the ground? Phone cases are also a...
Setting Technology Boundaries

Setting Technology Boundaries

“Are those all your notifications?!” A friend looked at my phone, horrified. Yup. As a business owner (or heck, just someone who lives in the world), it can be challenging to figure out tech manners and a tech personal code of conduct. I recently decided...

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