Conducting Your Own Annual Review

(I was going to call this a ‘self audit’ but the word ‘audit’ seems to make people nervous and think of taxes!) I think I can safely say all of us what to have the best life possible. But what we are all liable to do is coast, phone it in, or...

When Someone Else’s Kid Is Sick

A little over a week ago, my sister gave birth to what we all thought was a healthy baby boy named Drew. He was very cute and soon, I saw pictures of friends and family members taking their turns holding him over my Facebook newsfeed, which you expect with a Facebook...

Fun Friday: How’s Business?

Sometimes on Fridays, I write about what I feel like. Because I can. :^) “Hey, how’s business?” people ask me. How I feel about this question is probably what every high school senior feels when they’re asked “So what are you doing next...

How To Schmooze

I once got in trouble for using the word ‘schmooze’ in a work email. The person who saw it thought I meant it as derogatory. To the contrary, socializing with a purpose is something I actually like to do. I once talked to a French woman in a restaurant en...

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