Marketing Your Cannabis Business Workshop 

An in-person and

in-depth workshop for

cannabis businesses

in New York State

Join us at Anchorspace Potsdam in Potsdam NY on Saturday, March 30 from 10 AM - 2 PM!

Stay Compliant

There’s a lot of rules. We’ll make sure you stay within them with your marketing.

Learn Tools

We’ll talk about tools like payment processors, email software, etc. that work with cannabis businesses.

Collaborate With Colleagues

Since everyone in the room is in the same industry, we can share info and make new friends.

Short videos online might be able to give you quick ideas but a longer learning time allows us to get into marketing strategy in addition to tools, tips, and examples. Also, we're not going to assume you have a certain kind of background or knowledge so after this workshop, those tips you see online might suddenly start making more sense (or you'll know that they're bogus - depending on what they say)!

$150 includes the workshop, resources, coffee/tea, and lunch.
(We'll collect dietary preferences and allergies in the registration form and be in communication about lunch more specifically as things approach. We promise good food though!)

Most businesses can't tell us how their current marketing is doing so the first thing we need to establish is a baseline of data. Part of this workshop will talk about analytics including figuring out your current data. (This way, if you try something marketingwise you'll know if it's working or not!)
But businesses that take our marketing advice (or let us do their marketing) see an increase in followers and engagement on social media, increased visits to their websites, increased communication through online platforms, and increased sales.

No, but we may do an updated version of this workshop as laws/regulations change or as technology changes.

The Instructor

Nicole Ouellette owns Breaking Even Communications, a web development and marketing company that opened its doors in 2008 and now has a team of three employees. Nicole has had her hand in around 500 websites and there are over 300 clients on the Quickbooks roster. A former certified high school teacher and college lecturer, Nicole has an educational background and expertise that compliments her technical skills. 

We're taking up to eight total registrants so sign up today to get your spot!

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