I was talking with some people earlier this year about figuring out a business birthday. I mean, we all know our birthdays but what day did you start your business? If you open a storefront (or say a coworking space), that date is pretty straightforward (i.e. when you...
I’m going to say it: from about age 27 to age 33, I had no hobbies. My hobby was this business: getting it going, growing it bigger, making it better. For years, I tried to buy only clothes I could wear to work. I tried to read books that would apply to my job....
We all know ‘buying local’ is a great idea. More money stays in the community. We have access to goods and services we wouldn’t have otherwise. We have vibrant downtown centers. New people relocate because they have options to make money. It is a...
For our year in review, a bit of fun and wisdom from each of us. John Swinconeck Something I Think Everyone Should See I’m sharing with you this photo I took of boxes of Gronk Flakes Cereal. Launched in 2012, these frosted cornflakes endorsed by the...
Dear Apple, We had a good thing going — and I sincerely thought that you felt for me with the same undying love that I felt for you. It’s taken me a couple of years since we stopped seeing each other exclusively for me to cut through the haze of denial....
I wasn’t going to write anything on here, until my mom ran into one of our clients. “Hey, tell Nicole congratulations on her new business… but who’s going to take care of my website now?” So this is a blog post to say: 1) We are opening...